Calling All Plumbers!
We Want YOU
Are you tired of working for plumbing companies that treat you like nothing more than a worker bee?
Sick of always being on-call? Fed up with unreliable pay?
You COULD work for any ole’ plumbing company, but why would you? When you’re one of the best, you should work with the best!
Our plumbers are some of the most fun people you’ve ever met! And part of that is because they love what they do and where they work. When you’re a plumber at Morris-Jenkins, you’ll get everything you need to be the best YOU you can be! That includes:
- Year-round stability (and available overtime)
- NO on-call! And every five weeks, you get a 5-day weekend!
- Assistance in getting your NC and SC Master Plumbing License
- Company uniforms (and a free laundry service to wash them for you)
- A company truck and gas card
- A cell phone
- Ongoing training
Top Workplace
Morris-Jenkins was voted Top Workplace USA in 2023 and 2021! We’ve also been recognized as a Charlotte Observer Top Workplace in 2022, 2020, 2019, 2018, and 2016. People really do love working here!
When you work at Morris-Jenkins, you’ll be treated with respect and have opportunities to do what you do best. And don’t worry, any inquiries are kept confidential, so there’s no harm in applying!
Ready to build your career with Morris-Jenkins?
And you’ll have lots of opportunities for advancement.
Morris-Jenkins is the kind of company where you can comfortably – and safely – build a career. Let’s sit down and talk. All inquiries will be kept strictly confidential. Thanks for listening.