What’s really in your water? That might be a question that’s on your mind a lot, or it might not be something you think about very often. Either way, it’s never a bad idea to find out for sure. And when your local plumber offers free testing in Clover, you might as well jump at the chance! At Morris-Jenkins, we want you to know what’s in the water that you drink, cook with, and shower in. That’s why we’ve got free water quality testing services in your area.
We keep our trucks fully stocked, so we can test your water quality then and there—no need to schedule another appointment.
You’ll always know the price of your water quality test before any work begins.
We’re here ’til midnight and available on weekends, too.
If you’ve got city water, it’s already been treated to get rid of dangerous germs that could end up in your water. But that’s not all you have to worry about. Other things could be affecting your health and comfort.
Toxic chemicals can get into your system. Chlorine that’s used to kill bacteria can sometimes show up in high amounts that aren’t healthy. You might also have too many minerals in your water. Those aren’t gonna hurt you, but they can get annoying. Water that’s too hard will stain your clothes and your faucets. The pH levels can affect the way your water tastes and how good it is on your pipes. It’s always worth checking it out if you’re thinking about getting your water quality tested.
Whenever you schedule us for plumbing diagnostic or repair, we will conduct a basic water test for FREE! This test examines your chlorine levels and a few other fundamental factors. If you desire more precision and comprehensive analysis, we also offer other choices! The most common ten parameters that influence water quality can be evaluated by our photometer testing! We will get a sample of your water and examine it in our in-office laboratory equipment. We can then follow up with you the following day to explain the outcomes and answer any questions about enhancing your water quality. But, here’s the best part! Our Priority Advantage Members receive this service, which usually costs $149, for FREE! Moreover, when you are a member, we will bring our lab equipment to you, ensuring that you receive the results on the very same day.
Did you know that even if you don’t drink water right out of the tap, you could still be exposed to too much chlorine? It’s got a low boiling point which means if there’s a lot in your water, it’s gonna end up in the air any time you run a hot shower. If you’re noticing some lung irritation or dry and fragile hair, you might be able to trace it to having too much chlorine in your water. We’ll test that to give you some peace of mind.
We also look for minerals like iron, calcium, and magnesium. Of course, your body needs those minerals, but if there’s too much in your water it’s just gonna be a pain.
We’ll test the pH of your water. That’s important for your pipes because if it’s too low, your pipes might be corroding faster. A high pH might make minerals clog up your pipes. If the water pressure is lower, it might build-up from your water. These basic tests are free! If you need something more detailed, let us know and we’ll set you up with a different test.
If you got your results back from us and your heart sank because it wasn’t what you were hoping for, don’t worry. That’s what we’re here for. We know exactly how to fix the problem, and we can take care of everything for you. We’ll let you know what steps to take to get your water clean and healthy.
The next steps might look like getting a water softener installed to keep the minerals out of your water. Or we might suggest you get a filter so you’re not breathing in chlorine every time you take a shower. There are also tanks and devices to balance out the pH and make it better for your pipes. We’ll point you in the right direction.
At Morris-Jenkins, we go beyond just providing good plumbing services to our friends in Clover. We take an interest in you. We’re here til midnight with real people on the line to help you with anything that’s making you worry. If the quality of your water is something that’s on your mind, it doesn’t have to keep you up at night anymore. Just text or call us and get on our schedule to have your water tested for free. We’re happy to offer those services so you can feel good about the water you use every day. If you want our basic tests or one of our other options, get ahold of us today!
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