Furnace Tune-Up in Cornelius
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Help your furnace live longer and run better
All of our furnace maintenance services include:
FREE smoke alarm battery change
FREE air filter change
100% money-back guarantee
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We're here 'til midnight
Why Should You Choose Morris-Jenkins for Your Tune-Up?
What is a Tune-Up?
If you’ve never had a furnace tune-up and don’t know what it is, don’t feel embarrassed. You don’t need to know a bunch of technical HVAC jargon to take care of your home. A tune-up is just our way of making sure you don’t have to unexpectedly spend on repairs or replacements. Annual heating service will keep your furnace in good shape so it’s ready to go for the winter. A Safety Check is the most basic furnace maintenance you can give to your heater. It’s only $89 and it’s a visual inspection to make sure nothing is worn out or loose. Our next step up, the System Renovation, will include adjustments, cleaning your unit, and more for only $129. It’s a great way to make sure your furnace is happy and healthy! After a tune-up, you won’t have to worry about your furnace breaking down in the middle of a cold snap. Wondering when you should schedule a tune-up? Of course, you can schedule one any time, but you may wanna give us a call before it starts to get cold. That way, we can get you all set up before you start busting out the fuzzy slippers and hot cocoa. If you join Priority Advantage, you won’t even have to worry about it! We’ll take care of your furnace every year.
Do You Need a Tune-Up?
If you’ve owned a home for a couple of years, you’re probably already pretty used to getting taken advantage of by businesses that just want your money. Is a tune-up even necessary? That’s a really smart question to ask, and we hope to finally give you some honest answers.
A furnace can probably run pretty well for several years without a tune-up. A lot of homeowners only call for service when their furnace stops working. There isn’t anything wrong with this, and nothing life-changing will happen if you skip a year of service. But, of course, we wouldn’t offer an annual furnace service if we didn’t think it was helpful to you!
Your furnace is just like any other machine. It’s gonna break down, and you’ll have to get it repaired or replaced. But when you take care of it, it’ll last longer and you won’t have to have it repaired as often. A tune-up is also a good way to keep your pesky energy bill from costing an arm and a leg.
We’re Here to Make it Easy
If you decide that our tune-ups are the right choice for your furnace, we make the next steps as simple as brewing your morning coffee. Give us a call, send a quick text, or chat with us on our website. We’ll work with your schedule. Not only that, but we’re fully staffed til midnight every night! When you schedule an appointment with us, we’ll call or text before heading to your house so you don’t spend half your day waiting for us to show up.
We get it, home maintenance can be annoying. But our techs are some of the friendliest people you’ll meet, and you may be surprised at how easy furnace tune-ups can be! We’re here when you need us for maintenance, repairs, and more!
Your Maintenance Options
Heat Check
System Renovation
Priority Advantage© Membership
$19.99/mo (plus tax)
Basic System Check
Outdoor Unit Cleaning
Evaporator Coiled Airflow Adjustment
Contactor and capacitor test
Thermostat Check
System calibration
Bi-annual maintenance visits
Priority service
Diagnostic Charges
10% off all repairs
Web portal access