
Water Heater Installation & Replacement in Gastonia, NC

Choose a Water Heater Service

Need a water heater installed? We make it easy.

Is your water heater causing chaos? Cold water throwing off your morning showers? It might be time to consider replacing your water heater! Sometimes, all it takes is a simple repair, but other times, the problems are too big to fix. Or maybe you’ve had to do repair after repair already, and it’s costing you more in the long run. No matter your reason for googling “water heater installations near me,” Morris-Jenkins is here to help!

All of our water heater installations include:

Free estimates.

We don’t charge to tell you how much we’re going to charge.

Flat-rate, upfront pricing.

No sticker shock here. You’ll always know what you’re going to pay before the installation begins. 

Courteous and friendly staff

From top to bottom. What can we say? We take after Mr. Jenkins himself.

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We're here 'til midnight

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We're here 'til midnight