Expert AC Tune-Up & Maintenance in Mooresville
Choose an Air Conditioner Service
Help your AC live longer and run better
After a few months of days that are so hot that you can’t seem to get comfortable, you might be daydreaming of taking a vacation to Antarctica. But before you seriously consider joining the penguins, you might think of a few ways to make a Mooresville summer more bearable. You can start by making the inside of your house a haven from the heat outside. We can help with that! All of our AC maintenance services include:

FREE smoke alarm battery change
FREE air filter change
100% money-back guarantee
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What’s an Air Conditioner Tune-Up?
It’s too bad no one’s invented self-healing machines. We’d all get a lot better sleep if we knew that air conditioners could tighten those electrical connections all on their own. Instead, we get machines that break down on us if we don’t keep a close eye on them. That’s why tune-ups exist and why people like us recommend them.
A tune-up will keep your system in great condition year in and year out. During your AC maintenance, our technicians here at Morris-Jenkins will check your air conditioner to look for anything that needs to be tightened, cleaned, adjusted, or replaced. Afterward, your AC will run colder and smoother for the rest of the summer.
At Morris-Jenkins, we’ve got three tiers of services. A Check’n’Wash is $89. We’ll look at everything to make sure your system isn’t gonna break down, and we’ll give those outside coils a good wash. The next level up is our $129 System Renovation. It’s the same as a Check’n’Wash, but instead of a visual inspection, it’s hands-on and super detailed. Our last tier is our Priority Advantage Membership. It starts at only $19.99 per month and will cover two tune-ups every year for your HVAC system. Plus you’ll get discounts, free drain cabling, and the fastest service we can offer! You can talk to us any time to figure out what service is best for your AC right now.
Do You Need a Tune-Up?
If you bought a good, reliable AC, you might think it’ll just keep running for years without much help from you. After all, didn’t the guy who installed it say it would last 15 years? But no matter how much you paid for that installation, you’re gonna need to put a little more work into keeping it maintained if you want it to get to that point. A lot of warranties won’t even cover parts if you haven’t scheduled a yearly AC tune-up.
An air conditioner that hasn’t had AC maintenance in a while might break down just to get a little attention. After all, the car gets an oil change every few months! So it makes sense that your cooling system should have AC service at least once a year. That way you can make sure it isn’t gonna break down at a bad time or run up your energy costs.
Who Should You Choose for Your AC Tune-Up?
In North Carolina, taking care of people is just something we do. Neighbors are always ready with some pecan pie or some sweet tea whenever someone is feeling down. But heating and air companies can be a different story. There are a lot of companies out there that don’t play fair though. Morris-Jenkins has been trusted by families in Mooresville for years. Don’t believe us? Check out our reviews online or even talk to your friends and family!
We’ve been serving the Mooresville area since 1958. Morris-Jenkins has been through some changes, but a lot has stayed the same. We’ve still got that small, family-owned feel to the way we run our business. We’ve always got someone friendly on the line who’s ready to listen and get you the AC service you need.
Summers around here can get hot and humid, but we can get your AC ready for anything the weather brings. If you’re in Mooresville and you wanna schedule service for your AC, give Morris-Jenkins a call!
Your Maintenance Options
Heat Check
System Renovation
Priority Advantage© Membership
$19.99/mo (plus tax)
Basic System Check
Outdoor Unit Cleaning
Evaporator Coiled Airflow Adjustment
Contactor and capacitor test
Thermostat Check
System calibration
Bi-annual maintenance visits
Priority service
Diagnostic Charges
10% off all repairs
Web portal access