Did you know that heat pumps are psychic? It’s true! They can read your mind and know exactly when it would be the worst time to break. Okay, so maybe your heat pump isn’t really psychic, but sometimes, it sure seems that way!
We keep our trucks fully stocked, so we can repair your heat pump right then and there—no need to schedule another appointment.
You’ll always know the price of your heat pump repair before any work begins.
We’re here ’til midnight and available on weekends, too.
Because you want your heat pump fixed right now! See, we live in Davidson, too. We know how cold it gets. You’re probably calling for heat pump repair because you see the temperature dropping and you don’t want your family left out in the cold. And because we’re neighbors, we’re gonna do the neighborly thing and make sure your house is as toasty as ours.
And we’re not kidding about that “right now” thing. A lot of the time, we can get a heat pump repair technician to your house the same day you call.
We’ll give you a shout when we’re on our way, too. You’ll also get a Tech Tracker email or a text message. No more wondering when help is on the way!
The other reason to choose Morris-Jenkins for heat pump repair is that we leave the final decisions up to you. When we do our inspection, we take lots of photos and videos. You can even come out to look at it and have us show you right where the problem is. Before we do any work at all, you get the say-so as to what work we do.
Want us to patch it up and help it run a little longer? Sure! Want us to just replace the whole dang thing? You bet! We’ll talk you through all your options so you can be in control.
The thing about emergencies is that they don’t call ahead and ask you if it’s ok to throw everything into chaos. So, to make your emergencies less of a nightmare, we’re available ’til midnight every day, weekends and holidays included.
And it’s not like some “on-call” situation, either, where a tech who’s been going steady since 8 am is gonna come into your home after 13 hours on the job. If you call in the evening, you’ll get someone scheduled for the night shift. They come in fresh and ready to work those later hours. After all, having your heat go out unexpectedly can be dangerous for your family!
See, we’re family-owned. We have one office where real people answer the phones. No robots, no foreign call centers, no recorded voice saying, “thank you for searching for ‘heat pump repair near me,’ you’re 452nd in line for an operator.”
When you reach out, you’ll talk to someone who understands how cold it gets in Davidson. We’ll hook you up with a heat pump repair technician right then. You’ll get someone out to fix your heat pump right away!
Need a heat pump repair? It’s simple! Just call us, tell us what day and time you want us to be there, and we’ll send someone over. You probably have a busy schedule – no problem – we’ll work around it!
It’s okay if you don’t know exactly what the problem is. We don’t expect you to. We’ll use simple terms and not get exasperated if you don’t know the exact part name. We just wanna get your heat pump fixed, not impress you with our vocabulary.
Don’t feel like calling to schedule? That’s okay, too! Send us a text, or connect with us online.
Your heat pump can’t throw anything at us we haven’t seen before. At Morris-Jenkins, our heat pump repair technicians know all the tips and tricks to get your heat pump back in shape.
Our trucks are stocked with just about everything we might need to get your furnace back to a clean bill of health. You’ll never have to wait around. If the part you need is a little more specialized, we’ll run someone from the office to your house with the part while the repair tech is there. After all, your heat pump needs to be fixed now, not later!
So call us, text us, or hop on our website to book a time! We’re ready to fix your heat pump and keep you warm through the winter!
13725 South Ridge Dr, Charlotte, NC 28273
© 2025 Morris-Jenkins All rights reserved.
HVAC: RBC 408 (SC)