Do you love getting to know new people? Is it easy for you to make friends? Do you get a rush from solving problems quickly?
Have you ever thought about becoming a Customer Service Representative (CSR)? You’d be great at it! Whitney Cullens has been a part of the Customer Support team since 2017 and she looks forward to work every day! What makes her job so great? We decided to ask, and she had some amazing things to say!
What’s Your Day-to-Day Like?

Whitney’s day-to-day is always different and exciting! The people who call us need help with their heating, air conditioning, or plumbing. Sometimes, these people are scared, confused, or just plain stressed about the problems with their home. As a CSR, Whitney gets to save the day! She says, “There are a lot of interactions with people who are sometimes confused, very knowledgeable, or somewhere in between. My heart always melts with the elderly people, I am always so fascinated with their independence in a lot of cases, and of course wisdom!”
When you work at Morris-Jenkins, every day is exciting, especially as a CSR! Every day, Whitney gets to talk to different people from around the greater Charlotte area. Each customer is different from the last, and that keeps her days exciting. “I have short, and sometimes kind of long conversations with all walks of life, and it is humbling. Because sometimes, these issues are beyond anyone’s control. Not only do they need help, sometimes they need a few tips, and sometimes they just need to hear, ‘everything is going to be okay, you’ll be in good hands soon.’”
Related: “A Day in the Life of an eSupport Specialist”
What’s Your Favorite Morris-Jenkins Memory?
With huge company breakfasts, Mr. Jenkins’ birthday fiesta, and more, every day is new and exciting at Morris-Jenkins! How do you pick just one favorite memory? Whitney has a lot of favorite moments, but she says, “My favorite memories are always when we’re celebrating in or near the warehouse. I will always remember that beautiful moment when Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins danced for his birthday fiesta! It was such a beautiful moment, I felt so inspired and so happy to be a part of this family.”
What Are Your Favorite Parts of the Job?

Whitney says her favorite part about being a Customer Service Representative at Morris-Jenkins is sharing good laughs with her CSR family, “whether we are cheering each other on, talking about fitness goals, joking around, or singing old classics.”
Not only does she love her team, but she loves the exciting culture at Morris-Jenkins. While most companies just have corporate pizza parties in dull conference rooms, we have all kinds of celebrations for employees and for for employees and for Priority Advantage® Members! But it gets even better…
We have an annual radiothon where employees come together to help raise money for the families at the Levine Children’s Hospital! Everyone at Morris-Jenkins is passionate about helping the children’s hospital out, and a lot of employees especially look forward to helping answer phones at the radiothon. “I love the annual carnival, the radiothon, and all of our social events. I think it is pretty cool how we plan off-site and on-site fun for everyone. It’s built many lasting memories for me.”
Recommended: “Why Morris-Jenkins Supports Levine Children’s Hospital”
What Got You Interested in This Career?

Have you ever dealt with a company with shady, questionable ethics?
It’s never fun for anyone involved—all it does is hurt good people, and that really bums us out. The people of Charlotte deserve better! And that’s exactly why we have our core values: honesty, integrity, fairness, and respect.
At a lot of companies, employees have no clue what their employer’s core purpose or values are. At Morris-Jenkins, each and every employee knows them (don’t believe us? Test it out the next time you see a
technician out and about ???? ). Those values are so deeply ingrained in the people of Morris-Jenkins because everyone here shares those values too! Whitney says, “I have always been an enthusiast for good, honest, brands. This company has been true and consistent in reputation, and our mission for ‘Making it Easy for Customers to do Business.’ I am glad I can offer so much support to homeowners, and people new to our area. There is a lot to know when it comes to maintaining your home in this region especially. Morris-Jenkins offers them friendly, round the clock support, and most importantly a high-level of expertise.”
Not only do we believe in treating people right, but we believe in helping employees grow. No matter what department you’re in, you’ll receive training and help from the best leaders around who genuinely care about YOU and YOUR growth! “I am grateful for my thorough training from so many leaders within Morris-Jenkins,” Whitney says. “I’ve learned skills that I will carry with me for the rest of my life.”
How Does Morris-Jenkins Compare to Other Companies You’ve Worked For?
“Morris-Jenkins encompasses so many of my interests, from learning something new all of the time, to caring for others, and out-of-the-box fun! I most love that the work that we do is extremely important and valuable to our community and society in general. People will always need to feel comfortable, and I can tell that our leaders at Morris-Jenkins make sure that we all know it well, to bring our best,” Whitney said. “I love the innovative ways Morris-Jenkins continues to create excitement and fun; it makes for a great balance in what we do.”
Ready to Meet Your New Friends?
Applying for a new job is scary. You often don’t know the people, the work environment, or even where to find the breakroom or bathrooms. A new job is a big life change, no matter how many jobs you’ve had. Fortunately, Morris-Jenkins is a learning environment. Everyone here loves helping each other grow and develop, and it’s only a matter of time before you make your first friends. If you think you’d like to take a leap and join Whitney in our Customer Support Center, or if there’s another department you’re interested in, check out our list of job openings!