Charlotte is known for hot, humid summers. Is your AC struggling to keep up with the Carolina heat? It might be time to replace your unit.
The average lifespan of an air conditioning unit is 10 to 12 years. The older your HVAC unit is, the more likely it is to start acting up. As your AC starts to near this age range, there are certain signs that might signal it’s time to repair or even replace your AC unit:
- It takes longer than usual for your air conditioner to cool down your home
- Your power bill seems to be getting higher
- Water stains and/or water drops appear on your ceiling (if your unit is located in the attic)
What to Do When Your Air Conditioning Stops Working

When your home doesn’t seem to be cooling like it did in its prime, there are a few steps you can take on your own:
- Check your circuit breaker.
- Check both the outdoor unit circuit breaker and the one in your house at the panel box. Make sure they’re in the ON position.
- Check your indoor coil to see if it’s frozen.
- You’ll be able to see ice on your indoor coil if it’s frozen. Not sure where your coil is? Look at your indoor air handler or at your furnace to find it!
- If the coil is frozen, it’s likely because any of three possible reasons:
- You’re low on refrigerant
- The blower isn’t pushing at peak efficiency
- Your coil is dirty
Any of these problems is reason to call a professional service repair technician for servicing!
Related: “8 Signs You Might Have a Refrigerant Leak”
How to Know If a Replacement is the Right Choice
Most people would rather repair their unit than replace it. Sometimes, though, replacing it is a better option. How do you make such an important decision? We’ve compiled a list of reasons why a system replacement might be a better choice for your family.
Your AC Uses R22 Freon
If your unit is low on refrigerant and your unit is over 12 years old, we recommend you replace your system. In 2010, new refrigerant laws came into effect, and all air conditioning systems now run on a new EPA-approved refrigerant. Your older system is not compatible with this new refrigerant.
Most new A/C systems come with a 10-year parts warranty and could save you up to 40% of your cost to run it. Contact us for a free estimate on a new system so you can start saving today!

Your Utilities Are Getting Expensive
It’s natural for your utility bills to be higher some months, but they should be consistent when you compare them to previous years. If your utility bills are climbing, it could be a sign that something is wrong with your unit, and if these problems go unchecked, they can get worse. Eventually, these repairs can end up costing so much that it could be worth looking into a new system.
Want to keep your utility costs down? Consider becoming a Priority Advantage® Member! It includes two system renovations every year, and this maintenance can lower your utility bills by 30%!
You’re Constantly Repairing Your AC or You Face Expensive AC Repairs
Sometimes, you have to weigh the cost verses the value. If you are constantly repairing your AC, those costs will add up quickly, and it might just be better to invest in a new unit that won’t give you those problems! If the repairs are only every now and again, that’s not necessarily a reason to replace your air conditioner.
If a more expensive component in your unit breaks, your money might just be better invested in a new unit. Of course, this isn’t to say you can’t replace the expensive parts. Our technicians are highly trained specialists and will happily make any repairs if that’s the route you feel is best (and the final decision is always up to you!); we just recommend you consider a new unit if your repairs are looking pricey.
Your Home Isn’t Comfortable
You should never suffer from Carolina heat in your home! When you’ve spent a long day outside during the summer, you wanna go inside to cool off and relax, as you should! If your home doesn’t get as cool as it should be and you find yourself sweating even in your sleep, your unit might be trying to tell you something. It might be dying! It just can’t keep up anymore. At this point, it’s in your best interest (and comfort) to replace your air conditioning system. With a new unit, your house will be cooler than ever!
Recommended: “What to Do When One Room is Hotter (or Colder) Than the Others”
Your AC is Inefficient or Has a Low SEER Rating
Recent advances in technology have greatly improved energy efficiency in HVAC units. Energy Star recommends upgrading to an energy-efficient unit if your current air conditioner is 10 years old or older. Many HVAC technicians say they typically recommend replacing units if they’re 15 years or older.
If your A/C’s SEER rating, or Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, is below 13, it’s not considered energy efficient by today’s standards. SEER measures the energy consumption and efficiency of your unit over the course of a year. Nowadays, SEER ratings should be around 13 to 14 (they can go higher than this, but they shouldn’t be lower). Unfortunately, many old units are at a rating of 10 or less.

How to Extend the Life of Your AC System
If you’ve read this and decided your unit still has some life in it, you might wanna look into ways to get as much life out of it as possible!
Did you know filters are meant to protect your unit from dust and debris that could cause damage? It’s important to stay on top of your filter replacements to keep your system clean. A clean system runs better and lasts longer!
You go to the doctor for check-ups and you get your car maintenanced. Have you ever thought about the importance of HVAC maintenance? Seasonal maintenance gives your unit the best chance at a long life by ensuring everything is running smoothly. When you schedule a system renovation with one of our certified technicians, they’ll inspect and service your unit to get it running like new!
If you’re tired of sweating through every Carolina summer, learn how you can stay cool and save money with a new energy-efficient AC unit! Our certified HVAC technicians are happy to help, and install estimates are always free.
Need a New AC in the North or South Carolina Area?
When you buy a new AC, you’re investing in your family and your comfort. You don’t wanna hire just anybody to install your unit—you wanna hire someone you can trust. Morris-Jenkins has been in business since 1958, so we know a lot about air conditioners! We’ll do the job right the first time, and we don’t believe in shortcuts. Careful attention is given to every installation to ensure you’re getting the best service possible. Your family deserves to be comfortable at home.